“Your god – he is very powerful.”
He stopped gazing at the cargo ships in the harbor and looked directly into my eyes. The Lord had blessed us with many conversations about His love that summer, but that one statement wast he first time an adult came to the realization that our God is more than a character in a book.
My friend Joy and I were in Singapore the summer of 2010. The family we lived with decided to host a party in order for their friends to meet us. Somehow in the middle of dessert, we got to talking about an F4 tornado that had caused $40 million of damage to our college campus in 2008. After showing them pictures of the wreckage, they could not believe that God had spared every student’s life that night.
And that’s when it happened. For the first time in his life, this man realized that this God our host family had been telling him about was, indeed, a powerful God. Yet, despite this strength, He still chooses to walk with us today.
It’s easy to fall into the trap of saying, “God, I wouldn’t be sinning this much if only you walked with me in the garden like you did with Adam and Eve.” Or maybe, “God, I would stop struggling with my doubt if only I could be one of those twelve disciples that followed Jesus around.”
We have been fed the lie that the Holy Spirit is somehow the inferior member of the Trinity. Scripture tells us that the Holy Spirit will dwell in us and guide us once we believe that Jesus is Lord.
We worship a God who is actively working in our lives and in the world. He is a God who sent His Son to the earth to get his feet dirty as He proclaimed the truth that God is the great “I am.” He is the God who walks with us through the good and the bad times. He is our pedestrian God. Praise the Lord!

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