Waiting for Roots
My coworkers have potted vines on their desks. They are easier to keep alive than flowers but harder than fake plants. Last summer, two of the vines had reached the floor. They told me that if I cut them off at the joints, I could stick them in water and they would grow roots. Then, I could plant them in dirt and start my own potted vine.
So I cut off two long vines, put them in a water bottle, and stuck them on the windowsill of our apartment. A week later, my husband approached the subject with as much tact as he could muster.
“Renae, we’re not keeping those vines in water bottles forever, are we?”
I laughed and replied, “No. Just until they grow roots. Then we’ll plant them in dirt and let them grow.”
I watched them every day for three weeks. And every day for three weeks Kevin asked me, “Any roots yet?” My answer stayed the same, “Not yet.”
I had faith that my vines would grow on their own. For years, they have relied on other parts of the plant to bring its nutrients. It was the growth of another’s work. These leaves were merely the decoration that hung down the desk.
But then on week four, a little white thing looked like it was sprouting. Over night, it had grown a three inch root!
At the beginning of our walk with God, we are like that little vine. We (hopefully) are discipled and taught how to follow Christ. But it’s not until we put the responsibility of having an individual quiet time on ourselves that we learn how to have a personal relationship with God.
John 16:7 says, “Nevertheless, I am telling you the truth. It is for your benefit that I go away, because if I don’t go away the Counselor will not come to you. If I go, I will send Him to you.”
The disciples could no longer rely on the physical steps of Jesus. They had to rely on a spiritual faith, one of listening to and obeying the Counselor, in order to grow in their relationship with God. And so do we.

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