Archive - 2013

No Substitute for the Scripture
New Year’s Resolutions

No Substitute for the Scripture


Like newborn infants, desire the unadulterated spiritual milk, so that you may grow by it in your salvation, since you have tasted that the Lord is good. – 1 Peter 2:2-3 (HCSB)

A speaker once shared with us that he struggled to maintain a regular quiet time. So he made a decision – he would not eat physical food until he had taken in spiritual food, that is, his personal time reading the Word. There were days when he did not eat or drink until after noon.

One particularly hectic semester in college, I also failed to read the Bible as a part of my routine. This man’s testimony came to mind; so I tried it. But I learned quickly that if I miss breakfast, or merely delay it, I get light headed and nearly pass out. Clearly this plan was not meant for me.

So what has helped? I began to ask God to give me the desire to read His Word. I knew He would grant me this request. In fact, I knew that in answering it, my life would change. My desires would change. Watching tv became less alluring. Working on craft projects for hours seemed pointless. Once I started reading Scripture, I kept wanting to read more.

I first needed God’s help to hunger for His Word in the same way my stomach growls. I needed Him to show me what it felt like to have my soul parched. And how it felt to have it quenched. I needed to thirst for God’s Word like a deer thirsts for water.

Was reading God’s Word last year a priority for you? If so, keep it up! If not, what’s holding you back? Stop right now, turn off your computer, and ask God to change the desires of your heart. Ask Him to draw you into His Word. And then, go read it!

New Year’s Resolutions

This is a guest post by Caroline Davis

At a recent family Christmas gathering, my family and I went to a very nice restaurant to celebrate the holidays. Upon our arrival, we ran into a gentleman who asked my parents for some money. He said that he and his family were stranded on the interstate, didn’t have a cell phone, and didn’t know if they were going to be able to have a Christmas this year. As the rest of my family and I went on into the restaurant, my father stayed and talked with the man. He gave the man all the money in his wallet and a blanket that was in the back of our car. The man thanked him and went on his way.

Ever since that evening, God has greatly been challenging my heart. God has given my family and me so much and through this holiday season, we get so caught up in getting gifts when we already have more than enough. God has challenged me to look beyond all of the world’s standards and get a more Godly view on things. So, this year, my New Year’s resolution is to give more. Give more time. Give more money. Give more effort. Give more love to everyone I come into contact with.

Why are New Year’s Resolutions important?

New Year’s resolutions can typically be a vehicle for unsuccessful weight loss attempts, and promises that are easily broken. However, setting goals that are more focused on God’s desired for our lives can lead us on a divine journey through His comfort and promises.

Resolutions in general can help us to learn from the past and make fresh, new attempts at our decisions, desires, attitudes and thoughts. However, perhaps one of the most important resolutions we make in our lives occurs when we recognized the error of our sin and turned to Christ hoping to do better with our lives for His glory.

What types of resolutions can I make to seek God’s presence in my life in the upcoming year?

1. Commit yourself to giving to a specific cause.

2. Pray for a community in  need.

3. Serve in a special organization or use community service to share God’s love with others and give hope to those who are lost.

4. Go! Whether to a different country, nearby city, or a nearby neighbor – make an effort to go and be a light in the darkness and make God’s glory known to others.

 2 Corinthians 2:9 – “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

Blog by Caroline Davis

Caroline is from a very small town in Kentucky. She is the proud daughter of two wonderful parents and has two siblings, Betsy and Evan. She is a sophomore in high school and enjoys dancing, swimming and writing.


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