Archive - June 13, 2014

What the LORD Hates

What the LORD Hates

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Proverbs 6:16-19

Six things the LORD hates; in fact, seven are detestable to Him:

  1. Arrogant eyes
  2. A lying tongue
  3. Hands that shed innocent blood
  4. A heart that plots wicked schemes
  5. Feet eager to run to evil
  6. A lying witness who gives false testimony
  7. One who stirs up trouble among brothers

I find lists like this one found in Scripture are important to memorize – not to quote to someone else in a moment of judgment – but to have on the forefront of my own mind to evaluate my own actions.

Rather than expand on these seven points, let’s commit them to memory together. Read through them a few times and ask the Lord if any of these are present in your life. And if so, ask the Lord and the person you wronged to forgive you.

1. Eyes
2. Tongue
3. Hands
4. Heart
5. Feet
6. Testimony
7. Trouble

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