Walk to The Cross
Have you heard that Pedestrian God has a new outreach through Amazon Echo? It’s called Daily Devotions for Women and it’s available as a Flash Briefing. Check it out! Each day this week, I walk through Jesus’ activities the last week He lived on earth.
I’ve gained a lot by reading through the gospel accounts of this week. Easter Sunday takes on a new meaning as I reflect on Jesus’ final days on earth.
I want to encourage each of you to do the same this week. You can use the daily Flash Briefing to provide an overview if you like. Then study and meditate for yourself.
Don’t rely on me or anyone else to interpret Scripture for you. Read the Bible for yourself. I highly recommend starting in Mark 11. Then start again in Matthew 21. Keep in mind the setting. Remember that Jesus knows that this is His last week on earth. Read His parables in light of the fact that these are some of His last teachings.
Create a day-by-day outline as your read. Jot down notes about where Jesus is. What He’s saying. Who is around Him. And how they are interacting. Always be mindful of the fact that the betrayal, arrest, and crucifixion was not a surprise to Jesus.
Pay special attention to the words in bold. Bold letters are usually the Bible editors’ way of letting you know that these words are quotes from other passages in Scripture. Look them up. See for yourself how Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament promises and prophecies.
Research why churches have traditionally “nicknamed” days of this week. Learn about “Palm Sunday,” “Spy Wednesday,” “Maundy Thursday,” and “Good Friday.”
Attend Biblically-based church services this week. If you are a believer, participate in communion together this week. Sing corporately together about the cross. Meditate on the cross together. Then, when you come back together Sunday, sing your hearts out as you celebrate the resurrection!
Don’t let Easter week slip by you this week. I’d love to hear how you keep the cross at the center of your thoughts this week.

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