Sin’s Cycle
Have you ever read a passage and Scripture and thought, I’m pretty sure I’ve read this somewhere else?
That happened to me the other day when I was reading Psalm 7. I found a verse that felt really familiar.
Psalm 7:14 says, “See, the wicked one is pregnant with evil, conceives trouble, and gives birth to deceit.”
It took a couple minutes for my brain to kick in. And then it went – hey, I know that example! The idea of evil conceiving and giving birth? The cycle of sin that progressively gets worse? James uses that same language!
Here it is from James 1:15: “Then after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin, and when sin is fully grown, it gives birth to death.”
Don’t you love when you find places like that in Scripture that you hadn’t connected before?
It makes sense, after all, James was raised with a knowledge of the Old Testament. It’s likely that he learned the pregnancy metaphor from Psalm and continued it in his writing.

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