Tag - solomon

Futility to Celebration
Granting Wishes & Prayers

Futility to Celebration

Has the excitement of Easter already come and gone for you? Are you left with a fridge full of multicolored, boiled eggs and a floor strewn with empty plastic shells? Has Spring Break broken your spirit?

Do you find yourself lamenting like Solomon in Ecclesiastes chapter one?

Everything is futile! (verse 2)

All things are wearisome! (verse 8)

There is nothing new! (verse 9)

It’s easy for us to get bogged down in our daily, earthly lives. After all, the dishes have to be cleaned, the floor vacuumed, and the toilets scrubbed.

And guess what? No matter how good I scrub, I’ll have to clean the bathrooms again. And in a few hours, we’ll be hungry and I’ll once again be at the sink washing dishes.

For the past two weeks, I have been assembling and installing bookshelves when I get home in the evenings. Who knew that floors aren’t perfectly level? And who knew how difficult that would make installing bookshelves? Not one-week-ago-me. One-week-ago-me was convinced I’d be finished in two days. Ha! How little did I know that Ecclesiastes 1:15 would become my new life verse:

What is crooked cannot be straightened

Was Solomon right? Is everything useless? Is it all futile?

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Granting Wishes & Prayers

Picture a child coming to Santa – not a crying, fearful child – but one who has finally seen Santa with their own eyes. Not only have they spotted Santa, but they get to approach him. To sit on his lap and tell him EVERYTHING they want for Christmas. These aren’t small, practical requests. These kids are thinking big. They want ponies, puppies, unicorns, race cars, and robots. Nothing is too big or off limits. After all, this is SANTA CLAUS! He owns his own toy factory!

Or picture Aladdin when he discovers Genie (and yes, absolutely hear Robin Williams’ impressions). He finds out he has three wishes! Sure, there are some rules. Unlike Santa, certain requests are off limits – Genie can’t kill anyone, make anyone fall in love, or bring people back from the dead. Aladdin’s in a unique position. If he plans well, he can have three wishes granted that will drastically change his life.

Now picture prayer.

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