Proverbs 3:5-8
I think I just missed my turn. In 5:00 p.m. In Memphis traffic, this realization can ruin your evening. My thirty minute drive home became an hour-long excursion as my GPS said my destination did not exist and my mom reassured me on the phone that if I took a left at the next light I would eventually recognize my surroundings.
The feeling of being on the wrong path is even worse when it involves the way you approach other people. Have you ever realized that you’ve been on the wrong side of an argument? Or that your reaction to a situation was out of line? Have you ever tried to figure out a riddle only to hear the answer and realize that you were obsessing over the wrong detail?
Have you heard this one before? Mary’s father had five daughters. The first four were named:
Most likely, what is the name of the fifth daughter?
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